God's Word is Powerful

God's Word is Powerful

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Treadmill or Recliner ~ Let GO and Let GOD

Let Go and Let God.  The first time I heard that phrase I thought there it is that is the answer that is exactly what I have been looking for.  I don't need to strive and work and try harder and harder to DO things to please God.  So I let go I kicked back and did NOTHING.  After all that is what LET GO means right?  I had been living on the treadmill striving and struggling to somehow get my walk with God right - NOW I was sitting in my recliner no problem Let God.  The problem was that I was NOT doing anything.  We can NEVER live the Christian Life in our own strength or by our own efforts.  We will FAIL.  But if we think sitting back and doing NOTHING will help us grow we are DEAD wrong.  Let's look at these verses together.

Colossians 2.6-8 (NET) Therefore, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives IN Him, rooted and built up IN Him and firm IN your faith just as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

We are saved by Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and His death for us.  That means we put ALL our faith and trust in the Forgiveness He offers us.  We cannot do ANYTHING to save ourselves it is ALL about God’s grace.  But once we are saved the process of walking with the Lord Jesus on a daily basis does take thought and effort on our part.  It is still by FAITH just as you received your salvation CONTINUE to live or walk IN Him.  HOW?  Our roots go down into Him as we take time to be in His Word. (Blessed is the man who DELIGHTS in God's Word Ps. 1.1-3).  If our roots are IN Him and we trust Him for the strength and grace to keep going.  We will be building on the foundation of Jesus Christ and His Word.   spend with Him helps us to build on that  foundation and we continue to process of growing in our relationship one brick at a time. Like any relationship it cannot happen without conscious effort.   If we are rooted and built up in Him the result is a FIRM established Faith.  Anytime I struggle and doubt I can trace it back to a failure to DELIGHT in God’s Word. 

Growing in our faith will include an OVERFLOWING thankfulness.  Have you ever felt like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh?("good morning if it is which I doubt")  If find that in my own life if I stop and think BEFORE I complain I can always come up with something to be thankful for.  At the very least - I can be thankful that I do not have to run on the treadmill forever to earn my salvation or even to keep my walk with God fresh and growing.   

Let Go - yes let go of trying to EARN my salvation I cannot do that.  Let God - well yes I NEED God's grace to save me but I also NEED God's grace to sustain me.  But that will take continuing effort to DELIGHT in His Word and it will take continuing to BUILD my relationship with Jesus Christ a day at a time brick by brick on the firm foundation which is Christ.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to find that balance between TRUSTING  You and the Effort which I need to put in.  Help me to remember that my Relationship with You will take time and effort.  May I learn to Delight in Your Word and in spending time with You.  Thank You Lord God for Your Saving Grace and thank You for Your daily Sustaining Grace.

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